Great Savings with Trelleborg

Kurt Robson heroes
Kurt Robson, professional farmer

Kurt Robson runs a farming operation in Cisco, IL and is a third generation farmer specializing in corn and soybeans. Spanning five counties, he prefers to run Trelleborg tires for his work.

Since 2013, Kurt has set up two John Deere 9560R 4WD tractors, one with Trelleborg 800/70R38 TM900 High Power and the other with the same size premium competitor tires. Kurt used both 4wd tractors in the spring to pull 50.5 ft field cultivators, and in the fall to pull 18 ft chisel plows running around 12 inches deep.

Kurt has seen better performance out of the Trelleborg tires in terms of traction and road wear. “During the fall of 2014, the conditions were very wet and Trelleborg tires offered superior traction versus the competitor. We measured over 5% less slip with Trelleborg, which resulted in great savings.” Kurt also does a fair amount of roading, traveling up to 50 miles from his location. He always pays attention to tire wear and noticed that Trelleborg tires were exhibiting great wear for the amount of time spent on the road.

By switching to Trelleborg tires, Kurt has saved an ample amount of time and money. He has experienced less slipping in the field, and by concluding the test, Kurt saw a 5% increase in the tread wear over the competitor with the same number of hours logged. Towards the end of 2015, he will trade in the tractor and Kurt is very excited to order his new machine with Trelleborg tires.

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